Barrack Bridge - at Cave's Marsh is currently part of the inner estuary pedestrian / cycle way. As you can see from the picture, this is a nightmare for pedestrians and cyclists alike. Up to 8,000 cars a day use this recently upgraded road that links Seabury to Malahide village. Thankfully, just yards away is plenty of space to solve this problem........

The simple solution is to build a pedestrian / cyclist bridge over Cave's Marsh closer to the shore. There is already a beautiful pathway at Cave's Marsh that unfortunately comes to a 'dead end'.
For further information on what's happening ref. the pathway at Caves Marsh, Malahide, see:
The proposed 'cave marsh' solution would link 2 excellent 'family friendly' cycling areas, avoiding the existing dangerous (and heavily used) pedestrain route along Yellow Walls Road.
a coastal route at caves marsh would nt work as the 2 sailing clubs need access to water ; also need for foreshore licence from minister for marine also part 8 of planning act and wildlife marine objections
a coastal cycle route from malahide to donabate via kilcrea and corballis and back on the train to malahide might be practical.
note there is public open space corridor from permeable housing estates west swords elmwood,castlefarm ,newcourt,gartanalong estuary. Problems at bend at sailing club and crossing of stream atmilford requires a costly bridge fixed to existing or on piles.
the wide road from malahide to portmarnock has room for cycle lanes or one cycle lane on coastal side and using the existing off road paths at robswalls and open space at biscayne. road narrows at portmarnock requiring difficult cantilever paths on sea side. some crossing lights on the rou.te at robswalls etc would help create aloop route and improve access to coastal walkway
there is still room for small carparking clusters inset into grass verge on malahide portmarnock road with an on road cycle lane or even 2 lanes as general traffic require only 6.3 metres of cw
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